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Speed Dreams Community • View topic - W-E-C's car thread

W-E-C's car thread

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby W-E-C » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:13 pm

@ WingCommander: It's probably a "feature" of the garage track, as it's (supposed to be) a closed room with just a ceiling light. After trying around a bit it seems that brightening the "env.png" makes it a bit better. i'll use that for future previews.
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Postby W-E-C » Thu May 03, 2012 5:57 pm

author: scratchmade by W-E-C, driver and wheel-tex from SD-cars
category: LS1
description: based on '98 Porsche GT1
license: Free Art License

Weight: 940 kg
Max Torque: 483 Nm@8000 rpm
Drivetrain: RWD

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Haruna » Sat May 05, 2012 1:17 am

Hot damn! That's a nicely done car.

But I remember that the front end of those were a bit more... round.
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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby W-E-C » Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:10 pm

@Haruna: i know, the boxer was actually going to be more low poly to fit the cars from the LM99 mod by Virtua-LM as an addon. But since i did not manage any usable setup for those cars i decided to release it alone.

btw. if anyone wants to finish the LM99-mod-conversion the cars are all converted except the viper which were locked (even though the R8C is too lowpoly, imho), it just needs someone to make the setup-files.
Last edited by W-E-C on Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby W-E-C » Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:17 am

author: RSDG,
conversion, new roof+tweaks: W-E-C
setup + driver from ls1-vulture-v6r
category: LS1
description: based on callaway c12-r
license: RSDG blanket license for scc-cars (=conversion+editing allowed but must be made freely accessable for other moders)

Weight: 1275 kg
Max Torque: 586 Nm@7500 rpm
Drivetrain: RWD

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Re: conversion - Milano 4 Cup

Postby ooleeeo » Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:33 am

Kimi rockz!!!!

my youtube channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/ooleeeo?feature=guide
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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby W-E-C » Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:24 pm

a late answer is better than no answer:

i uploaded the car+skins when there was no option yet to choose the car livery so you had to overwrite the livery in the directory of the car using the same name. for SD 2.0 you can just add a suffix to the livery name (e.g. milano-4cup-no1.png etc.) to have them all in the same directory.
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Postby W-E-C » Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:34 pm

author: scratchmade by W-E-C, driver from SD-cars
category: Preview (for lack of better option)
description: Based on MK3 VW Polo Gti (fictional entry level cup car)
license: Free Art License

Weight: 950 kg
Max Torque: 165 Nm @4000 rpm
Drivetrain: FWD

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Postby W-E-C » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:12 pm

author: scratchmade by W-E-C, driver from SD-cars
category: LP1
description: loosely based on racecar from an arcade game
license: Free Art License

Weight: 900 kg
Max Torque: 700 Nm@5000 rpm
Drivetrain: RWD

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Haruna » Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:39 pm

Hi there,
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