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Speed Dreams Community • View topic - W-E-C's car thread

W-E-C's car thread

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby W-E-C » Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:41 am

nice work here

@custom / 3d-wheels:
for some reason you need to set the spec-value of the wheel model to zero to avoid this oversaturted specularity

the problem with 3-d wheels is actually that after a certain speed the wheels don't spin anymore, rather they are rocking back and forth (the reason for the blured texture version for higher speeds).

actually i made the mpa model because the physics-guys on the SD - Team wrote it would be easier for them to have a better setup than the current mpa-model because of data available. problem was that i took so long that they lost interest.
since you made so many nice liveries and improvements maybe you can get them interested again.

nice progess so far
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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby jjsca » Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:59 pm

Hi WEC, Thank you very much for your answer, I finally got rid of overshiny tyres. Concerning the wheel turning backward and so on I did drive and see it but it is no problem for me actually. I even thing it is normal. I reality this phenomenon exists too and it has to do with our eyes. I believe our eyes work at about 25 to 35 fps and so if a turning wheel is spinning at a multiple of 25 turns per second you will actually see the wheel "not moving". the wheel going backward or forward slowly happens when the frequency is slightly different of the multiples. Now for the rocking movements I guess it has to do with the computer which has to compute stuff and so looses the fluidity of the movements. A simple fix to this would be to put a maximum value for spinning wheels at which we have the illusion it is spinning fast, nobody would notice. But honestly I did a few testing laps and it didn't shock me so much.

@ Radoye:
Cool if it is not a too bit issue for you. I'll finish the steering wheel model and then I'll integrate the model in the game. What I'll do is create two cars one for road courses and one for ovals so that we can work on both setups and graphics indepently and then when we'll be satisfied we'll merge into one. I did already change the sound, I used the ls2 vortex gt sound which is nearer to the honda v8. It would be nice to have some reference data to work on setup and sound (a soundgeek would be nice by the way, I have no experience editing soundfiles). I also saw that Tom_D3 has a zr1 'vette so I guess we have our pace car too :D.

Have a nice day.

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Radoye1 » Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:57 pm

Meanwhile, my latest WIP:

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby jjsca » Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:40 pm

Wow Radoye, nice work, here is the steering wheel for the new MPA-10:


I got a very good reference of a 2009 KV Racing wheel and remade it because I couldn't find a photograph of WEC's wheel.

Hope you like it :D .

Good night.

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Haruna » Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:09 pm

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Radoye1 » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:17 am

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby jjsca » Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:05 pm

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Radoye1 » Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:22 pm

I have a ton of photos of both the old IndyCar as well as of the current one, i'll have to check if there's anything specific to what you have asked for. Not sure if there are many more cockpit images but i do have some that show the rear end in detail. Stay tuned.

What are the image sizes for the series logo, i'd like to have a go at it?
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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby jjsca » Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:17 pm

Hi Radoye, thank you for the reference help. I really don't know how big the logo should be I guess the bigger the better, I found this on google could give you a bit of inspiration:

If you want you could even try out making it in vector graphics so that size doesn't matter, as you prefer.

Meanwhile I worked a bit on the livery it is still a WIP in early stage but here is a preview:


I hope you did not make it already Radoye, couldn't find it on the forum so I thought I'd do something useful rather than getting too creative :) .

Any comments welcome.

Have a good night.

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Re: W-E-C's car thread

Postby Radoye1 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:46 am

Yeah, Tony Kanaan's ride, i have it covered already, page 12 of this thread has the download link. KVRT was the first team i did, i love the Lotus inspired liveries and Sato is my guy! :)

I have an idea for the logo design, and yes it will be inspired by the IndyCar logo, what i'm curious about is the format it needs to be in to work in the game.

I'm still learning SD, i haven't really tried messing with it until just recently.
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